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Development guide

Welcome to our developer contribution guidelines!

You should know that we would be glad to help you contribute to Ralph! Here’s our Discord to contact us easily.



Ralph development environment is containerized with Docker for consistency. Before diving in, ensure you have the following installed:


In this tutorial, and even more generally in others tutorials, we tend to use Elasticsearch backend. Note that you can do the same with another LRS backend implemented in Ralph.

To start playing with ralph, you should first bootstrap using:

make bootstrap

When bootstrapping the project for the first time, the env.dist template file is copied to the .env file. You may want to edit the generated .env file to set up available backend parameters that will be injected into the running container as environment variables to configure Ralph (see backends documentation):

# Elasticsearch backend

# [...]

Default configuration in .env file

Defaults are provided for some environment variables that you can use by uncommenting them.


Virtual memory for Elasticsearch

In order to run the Elasticsearch backend locally on GNU/Linux operating systems, ensure that your virtual memory limits are not too low and increase them if needed by typing this command from your terminal (as root or using sudo):

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144


Disk space for Elasticsearch

Ensure that you have at least 10% of available disk space on your machine to run Elasticsearch.

Once configured, start the database container using the following command, substituting [BACKEND] by the backend name (e.g. es for Elasticsearch):

make run-[BACKEND]

You can also start other services with the following commands:

make run-es
make run-swift
make run-mongo
make run-clickhouse
# Start all backends
make run-all

Now that you have started the elasticsearch and swift backends, it’s time to play with them with Ralph CLI:

We can store a JSON file in the Swift backend:

echo '{"id": 1, "foo": "bar"}' | \
    ./bin/ralph write -b swift -t foo.json

We can check that we have created a new JSON file in the Swift backend:

bin/ralph list -b swift
>>> foo.json

Let’s read the content of the JSON file and index it in Elasticsearch

bin/ralph read -b swift -t foo.json | \
    bin/ralph write -b es

We can now check that we have properly indexed the JSON file in Elasticsearch

bin/ralph read -b es
>>> {"id": 1, "foo": "bar"}



Ralph is distributed along with its tray (a deployable package for Kubernetes clusters using Arnold). If you intend to work on this tray, please refer to Arnold’s documentation first.


  • Kubectl (>v.1.23.5): This CLI is used to communicate with the running Kubernetes instance you will use.
  • k3d (>v.5.0.0): This tool is used to set up and run a lightweight Kubernetes cluster, in order to have a local environment (it is required to complete quickstart instructions below to avoid depending on an existing Kubernetes cluster).
  • curl is required by Arnold’s CLI.
  • gnupg to encrypt Ansible vaults passwords and collaborate with your team.

Create a local k3d cluster

To create (or run) a local kubernetes cluster, we use k3d. The cluster’s bootstrapping should be run via:

make k3d-cluster

Running a k3d-cluster locally supposes that the 80 and 443 ports of your machine are available, so that the ingresses created for your project responds properly. If one or both ports are already used by another service running on your machine, the make k3d-cluster command may fail.

You can check that your cluster is running using the k3d cluster command:

k3d cluster list

You should expect the following output:

ralph    1/1       0/0      true

As you can see, we are running a single node cluster called ralph.

Bootstrap an Arnold project

Once your Kubernetes cluster is running, you need to create a standard Arnold project describing applications and environments you need to deploy:

make arnold-bootstrap

Once bootstrapped, Arnold should have created a group_vars directory.

Run the following command to discover the directory tree.

tree group_vars

The output should be as follows:

β”œβ”€β”€ common
└── customer
    └── ralph
        β”œβ”€β”€ development
        β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ main.yml
        β”‚Β Β  └── secrets
        β”‚Β Β      β”œβ”€β”€ databases.vault.yml
        β”‚Β Β      β”œβ”€β”€ elasticsearch.vault.yml
        β”‚Β Β      └── ralph.vault.yml
        └── main.yml

5 directories, 5 files

To create the LRS credentials file, you need to provide a list of accounts allowed to request the LRS in Ralph’s vault:

# Setup your kubernetes environment

# Decrypt the vault
bin/arnold -d -c ralph -e development -- vault -a ralph decrypt

Edit the vault file to add a new account for the foo user with the bar password and a relevant scope:

# group_vars/customer/ralph/development/secrets/ralph.vault.yml
# [...]
  - username: "foo"
    hash: "$2b$12$lCggI749U6TrzK7Qyr7xGe1KVSAXdPjtkMew.BD6lzIk//T5YSb72"
      - "all"

The password hash has been generated using bcrypt as explained in the LRS user guide.

And finally (re-)encrypt Ralph’s vault:

bin/arnold -d -c ralph -e development -- vault -a ralph encrypt

You are now ready to create the related Kubernetes Secret while initializing Arnold project in the next step.

Prepare working namespace

You are now ready to create required Kubernetes objects to start working on Ralph’s deployment:

make arnold-init

At this point an Elasticsearch cluster should be running on your Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl -n development-ralph get -l app=elasticsearch pod
NAME                                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
elasticsearch-node-0                         1/1     Running     0          69s
elasticsearch-node-1                         1/1     Running     0          69s
elasticsearch-node-2                         1/1     Running     0          69s
es-index-template-j-221010-09h25m24s-nx5qz   0/1     Completed   0          49s

We are now ready to deploy Ralph to Kubernetes!

Deploy, code, repeat

To test your local docker image, you need to build it and publish it to the local kubernetes cluster docker registry using the k3d-push Makefile rule:

make k3d-push


Each time you modify Ralph’s application or its Docker image, you will need to make this update.

Now that your Docker image is published, it’s time to deploy it!

make arnold-deploy

To test this deployment, let’s try to make an authenticated request to the LRS:

curl -sLk \
  --user foo:bar \
      kubectl -n development-ralph \
      get \
      ingress/ralph-app-current \
      -o jsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}')/whoami"

Let’s also send some test statements:

gunzip -c data/statements.json.gz | \
head -n 100 | \
jq -s . | \
curl -sLk \
  --user foo:bar \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @- \
      kubectl -n development-ralph \
      get \
      ingress/ralph-app-current \
      -o jsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}')/xAPI/statements/"

Install jq

This example requires jq command to serialize the request payload (xAPI statements). When dealing with JSON data, we strongly recommend installing it to manipulate them from the command line.

Perform Arnold’s operations

If you want to run the bin/arnold script to run specific Arnold commands, you must ensure that your environment is properly set and that Arnold runs in development mode (i.e. using the -d flag):

bin/arnold -d -c ralph -e development -- vault -a ralph view

Stop k3d cluster

When finished to work on the Tray, you can stop the k3d cluster using the k3d-stop helper:

make k3d-stop

After your development


To run tests on your code, either use the test Make target or the bin/pytest script to pass specific arguments to the test runner:

# Run all tests
make test

# Run pytest with options
bin/pytest -x -k mixins

# Run pytest with options and more debugging logs
bin/pytest tests/api -x -vvv -s --log-level=DEBUG -k mixins


To lint your code, either use the lint meta target or one of the linting tools we use:

# Run all linters
make lint

# Run ruff linter
make lint-ruff

# Run ruff linter and resolve fixable errors
make lint-ruff-fix

# List available linters
make help | grep lint-


In case you need to document your code, use the following targets:

# Build documentation site
make docs-build

# Run mkdocs live server for dev docs
make docs-serve