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Ralph Helm chart

Ralph LRS is distributed as a Helm chart in the DockerHub OCI openfuncharts.

Setting environment values

All default values are in the values.yaml file. With Helm, you can extend the values file: there is no need to copy/paste all the default values. You can create an environment values file, e.g. custom-values.yaml and only set needed customizations.

All sensitive environment values, needed for Ralph to work, are expected to be in an external Secret Kubernetes object. An example manifest is provided in the ralph-env-secret.yaml file here that you can adapt to fit your needs.

All other non-sensitive environment values, also needed for Ralph to work, are expected to be in an external ConfigMap Kubernetes object. An example manifest is provided in the ralph-env-cm.yaml file here that you can adapt to fit your needs.

Creating authentication secret

Ralph stores users credentials in an external Secret Kubernetes object. An example authentication file auth-demo.json is provided here, that you can take inspiration from. Refer to the LRS guide for creating user credentials.

Reviewing manifest

To generate and review your Helm generated manifest, under ./src/helm run the following command:

helm template oci://

Installing the chart

Ralph Helm chart is distributed on DockerHub, and you can install it with:

helm install RELEASE_NAME oci://


  • use --values to pass an env values file to extend and/or replace the default values
  • --set var=value to replace one var/value
  • --dry-run to verify your manifest before deploying

Tutorial: deploying Ralph LRS on a local cluster

This tutorial aims at deploying Ralph LRS on a local Kubernetes cluster using Helm. In this tutorial, you will learn to:

  • run and configure a small Kubernetes cluster on your machine,
  • deploy a data lake that stores learning records: we choose Elasticsearch,
  • deploy Ralph LRS (Learning Records Store) that receives and sends learning records in xAPI,


  • curl, the CLI to make HTTP requests.
  • jq, the JSON data Swiss-Knife.
  • kubectl, the Kubernetes CLI.
  • helm, the package manager for Kubernetes.
  • minikube, a lightweight kubernetes distribution to work locally on the project.

Bootstrapping a local cluster

Let’s begin by running a local cluster with Minikube, where we will deploy Ralph on.

# Start a local kubernetes cluster
minikube start

We will now create our own Kubernetes namespace to work on:

# This is our namespace
export K8S_NAMESPACE="learning-analytics"

# Check your namespace value

# Create the namespace
kubectl create namespace ${K8S_NAMESPACE}

# Activate the namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=${K8S_NAMESPACE}

Deploying the data lake: Elasticsearch

In its recent releases, Elastic recommends deploying its services using Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) installed via its official Helm chart. We will first install the Elasticsearch (ECK) operator cluster-wide:

# Add elastic official helm charts repository
helm repo add elastic

# Update available charts list
helm repo update

# Install the ECK operator
helm install elastic-operator elastic/eck-operator -n elastic-system --create-namespace

Now that CRDs are already deployed cluster-wide, we can deploy an Elasticsearch cluster. To help you in this task, we provide an example manifest data-lake.yml, that deploy a two-nodes elasticsearch “cluster”. Adapt it to match your needs, then apply it with:

kubectl apply -f data-lake.yml

Once applied, your elasticsearch pod should be running. You can check this using the following command:

kubectl get pods -w

We expect to see two pods called data-lake-es-default-0 and data-lake-es-default-1.

When our Elasticsearch cluster is up (this can take few minutes), you may create the Elasticsearch index that will be used to store learning traces (xAPI statements):

# Store elastic user password
export ELASTIC_PASSWORD="$(kubectl get secret data-lake-es-elastic-user -o jsonpath="{.data.elastic}" | base64 -d)"

# Execute an index creation request in the elasticsearch container
kubectl exec data-lake-es-default-0 --container elasticsearch -- \
    curl -ks -X PUT "https://elastic:${ELASTIC_PASSWORD}@localhost:9200/statements?pretty"

Our Elasticsearch cluster is all set. In the next section, we will now deploy Ralph, our LRS.

Deploy the LRS: Ralph

First and foremost, we should create a Secret object containing the user credentials file. We provide an example authentication file auth-demo.json that you can take inspiration from. We can create a secret object directly from the file with the command:

kubectl create secret generic ralph-auth-secret \

Secondly, we should create two objects containing environment values necessary for Ralph:

  • a Secret containing sensitive environment variables such as passwords, tokens etc;
  • a ConfigMap containing all other non-sensitive environment variables.

We provide two example manifests (ralph-env-secret.yaml and ralph-env-cm.yml) that you can adapt to fit your needs.

For this tutorial, we only need to replace the <PASSWORD> tag in the Secret manifest by the actual password of the elastic user with the command:

sed -i -e "s|<PASSWORD>|$ELASTIC_PASSWORD|g" ralph-env-secret.yaml

We can now apply both manifests, to create a ConfigMap and a Secret object in our local cluster:

# Create Secret object
kubectl apply -f ralph-env-secret.yaml

# Create ConfigMap object
kubectl apply -f ralph-env-cm.yaml

We can now deploy Ralph:

helm install lrs oci:// \
  --values development.yaml

One can check if the server is running by opening a network tunnel to the service using the port-forward sub-command:

kubectl port-forward svc/lrs-ralph 8080:8080

And then send a request to the server using this tunnel:

curl --user admin:password localhost:8080/whoami

We expect a valid JSON response stating about the user you are using for this request.

If everything went well, we can send 22k xAPI statements to the LRS using:

gunzip -c ../../data/statements.jsonl.gz | \
  sed "s/@timestamp/timestamp/g" | \
  jq -s . | \
  curl -Lk \
    --user admin:password \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    http://localhost:8080/xAPI/statements/ -d @-

Congrats 🎉

Go further

Now that the LRS is running, we can go further and deploy the dashboard suite Warren. Refer to the tutorial of the Warren Helm chart.