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Getting started

To start playing with Marion, you should build it using the bootstrap Make target:

$ make bootstrap

This will build a Docker image that will run Marion in a Django sandbox, start the postgresql docker compose service and run database migration.

Once finished, you can start Django’s development server using:

$ make run

The REST API development server should be up and running at: http://localhost:8000/api/documents/requests/

You can follow the web server logs using:

$ make logs

Lint your code

To run python linters, use the lint Make target:

$ make lint

Linters can be run separately using the lint-{{ linter }} Make rule, e.g:

$ make lint-pylint

You can list all linters using:

$ make help | grep lint- | sort

If you need to run pylint with custom arguments, we provide an helper for this:

$ bin/pylint

Run tests

Running tests with pytest can be achieved using:

$ make test

But we also provide an helper to add custom arguments to pytest calls (e.g. calling a specific test pattern):

$ bin/pytest -x -k test_foo_issuer

Write documentation

Documentation sources lie in the docs/ directory of the project. It is generated using MkDocs. We provide Make rules to use it:

# Build the documentation
$ make docs-build

# Run the documentation development server
$ make docs-serve

The documentation development server is then accessible on your browser at the following address: http://localhost:8001.

Note that the documentation is automatically built by the CI platform we use, so you don’t need to manually deploy it.


You will find the complete list of useful commands using:

$ make help